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与 tangata whenua 的联系

霍诺霍诺·塔图·卡托亚 |创建富有同情心的社区

要理解 Honohono,就必须超越并深入到 tuakiri 之下,深入到皮肤之下。通过 toto,进入血液,深入到 puna,即与 whānau、hapū 和 iwi 内在联系在一起的 mātauranga。于是,回溯的故事开始了一个人的祖先就是一切的开始。

TE HONOHONO TĀTOU KATOU 在那里出现并将我们大家联系在一起。

你什么时候来,你什么时候来 |当我们从视线中消失时,土地依然存在

通过全球帝国主义和西方意识形态的强加,殖民主义极大地侵蚀了毛利人对死亡的习俗。这不仅导致毛利人失去土地和资源,还导致毛利价值观瓦解和代际创伤。前进的道路对毛利人来说,解放毛利人涉及到本土化、回归毛利人和塔翁加(Taonga)、去殖民化我们的思想、消除葬礼贫困、基于部落的决策、重振毛利家庭(wairua whānau)、开放毛利文化(kōrero)和恢复毛利人的传统。

Upcoming Events 

We are busy planning our next hui for Tangata Whenua.

To see other events that are happening in your area, head to our events page 

认识 Hera Pierce

赫拉·皮尔斯 (Hera Pierce) 是我们的 Pou Atawhai,她领导着我们的 tangata whenua rōpū,并在我们旅程的每一步为我们的 mahi 注入毛利之情。

Tangata whenua rōpū 成员

我们拥有一支强大的 tangata whenua 和 mana whenua rōpū 队伍,他们致力于建设富有同情心的社区,并领导 kaupapa 毛利活动和 hui,重点关注死亡前、死亡中和死亡之后。

我们的成员来自塔玛基各地和新西兰各地。来自 Mercy Hospice、Urutapu Funerals、Te Arai 临终关怀和生命终结研究小组、毛利进步学校、Te Rangikahupapa、Hospice Southland、Hospice Waikato、Hospice Whanganui、Mataatua Marae、Nurse Maude 和我们哈波里的其他地区。




Te Rangikahupapa Funeral Services: The death of a loved one is an emotional and sometimes stressful experience. With over 50 years of experience in the funeral industry, Te Rangikahupapa is pleased to offer whānau a unique, interactive and intimate service. We believe that healing comes from doing and want whanau to be involved in caring for their loved ones.


Urutapu Funeral Services – Providing sustainable, affordable, and culturally sensitive funeral services


Māori end-of-life resources

Advance Care Plans in te reo Māori ACP online plans | Te Whatu Ora |

Advance care planning considers your values, goals, and preferences for current and future health care. It helps you to understand what the future might hold and say what health care you would or would not want, including end-of-life care.


Te Ipu Aronui 

Their site aims to support Māori whānau (families) in providing care to adults and kaumātua (older people) at the end of life while also attending to the needs of the whānau themselves. They seek to assist whānau who may have struggled to maintain their traditional care practices due to the impacts of colonialism and assimilation, as well as the influence of modern urban lifestyles. Utilising stories (pūrākau) from whānau manaaki (family carers), rongoā clinicians, tohunga practitioners, and Māori health professionals involved in the Pae Herenga study, they illustrate the diverse approaches employed by whānau manaaki in providing care.


Turning to tikanga when someone dies | E-Tangata

After losing her husband three years ago, Sharday Cable-Ranapia is on a mission to show there are other, tikanga-led ways of looking after a tūpāpaku, or body, when someone dies.

Addressing death openly fosters awareness, acceptance, and preparation – Te Ao Māori News (

“…leading conversations on preparing for life after death ensures whānau are prepared financially, mentally and physically.”



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